'I love Me' Programme
The patients are diagnosed based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. We offer them a customised acupuncture treatment according to their clinic records and their diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine. To apply the treatment, we use stainless steel acupuncture needles, sterlised and disposable.
Acupuncture treatments offered in our centre
Recommended treatments for the preparation of conception both in AI, IVF and ICSI.
- Acupuncture to achieve a regular menstrual cicle. (Read more)
- Acupuncture to reduce stress and depression. (Read more)
- Acupuncture to improve sleep quality. (Read more)
- Acupuncture to work at the level of oocyte quality. (Read more)
- Acupuncture to work at the level of sperm quality. (Read more)
- Acupuncture for two. (Read more)
Specific treatments of the cicles of AI, IVF or ICSI.
- Acupuncture before and during the ovaric stimulation and the embryo transfer. (Read more)
- Acupuncture during the ovaric stimulation and the embryo transfer. (Read more)
- Acupuncture the day of the embryo transfer. (Read more)
- Acupuncture in any phase of the Assisted reproduction treatment. (Read more)
- Acupuncture for the oocyte captation. (Read more)
- Acupuncture the day of the semen sample collection. (Read more)
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